Poodle Notecards

We have 2 different Poodle Notecard sets to choose from.

Notecard Set #1 consists of 6 cards, each with the image of the Poodle and the toy box.

Notecard set #2 consists of 6 cards, 2 each of the 3 pencil sketch designs.

Each set is priced at $10.00

Please contact Carolyn Wray with any questions:
Carolyn Wray



Special thanks to artist Irma Shanahan for the artwork for Notecard Set #1.

Special thanks to artist Diane Whitehouse for the artwork for Notecard Set #2.


Ordering Information:

To order via PayPal:

  1. Follow our PayPal link
  2. Login using your PayPal info
  3. Enter the amount you are sending – make sure to include $1.50 additional for PayPal orders
  4. Select the account you would like to send money from
  5. In the “NOTE” section – make sure to include your name and the item(s) you are ordering
  6. Select your shipping address
  7. Click the “Send Payment Now” button

To order via Snail-mail:

  1. Mail checks payable to VIP to:
    Versatility in Poodles
    PO Box 95
    Pinson, TN 38366
  2. Make sure to include your Name, Shipping Address, and item(s) you are ordering


Proceeds from your order are used to help fund Poodle Health Research. Thank you for your support!